These web events aim to bring together various stakeholders, and will be used to demonstrate research gathered through the Transpark project, and to promote conversation about interoperability within the UK.
Webinar on Interoperability
Wednesday 29th July
10:00 - 12:30
Ralitsa Hiteva
The TransPark team, in partnership with the British Parking Association and Ballast Needam, invite you to take part in a webinar. The webinar will discuss different types of interoperability emergent from the parking, energy, digital and mobility sectors, and their potential for application within parking. The ability of these different systems to interact which each other in parking can create opportunities for more joined up thinking in reaching targets like Net Zero, and opening up new revenue streams for parking, energy, digital and mobility services.
TransPark seeks input and experience from LAs, parking operators, energy companies (includes community energy coops, etc), digital and tech companies (app and platform providers), mobility and transport companies, system operators, National grid, DNOs, TfL, bus operators, parking architects and designers, parking consultants in mapping different types of interactions between systems and the challenges for their development. The webinar will provide an informal and interactive space for discussion between local authorities; parking developers and operators; energy companies; mobility companies; app developers and operators, and system operators.
TransPark is a research project by the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex, funded by the Transforming Construction Network Plus.
Please note that this webinar was originally scheduled to run in London on the 20th March.
If you have any questions please get in touch at R.Hiteva@sussex.ac.uk